Talking Rheumatology
Listen to the latest news and views from the British Society for Rheumatology.
Podcasting since 2022 • 26 episodes
Talking Rheumatology
Latest Episodes
Ep 26. INNOVATORS - Leading transformation as a Chief Registrar
In this episode of our Innovators mini-series, Amanda Mootoo, Mariam Malik and Nick Sands join Lizzy MacPhie to explore the role of a Chief Registrar. Whether you're a trainee interested in the Chief Registrar role and how it gives uniq...
Season 1
Episode 26

Ep 25. CAREERS - How to fail with Will Gregory
This is the second episode of a mini-series hosted by Dr Judith Jade where she explores the importance of our response to failure with prominent leaders in rheumatology. In this episode Dr Judith Jade talks to Will Gregory, a Rheum...

Ep 24. INNOVATORS - Pioneering cost-effective biologics prescribing with a shared decision making tool
Can a new web tool drive shared decision making and cost effective biologics prescribing across NHS trusts?In this episode of our Innovators mini-series, Emily Rose-Parfitt and Philip Hamann join Lizzy MacPhie to showcase the trul...